Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The World War II genre of movie is quite over done, but it's movies like this one that can revitalize the entire genre. This movie is based on a true story and throughout the entire film the audience is filled with the feeling that every line is real. Every cast member gives an emotional and inspirational performance that make this movie one of the best in the last year. Daniel Craig, who plays Tuvia Bielski, gives a magnificent performance that is worthy of any awards that Hollywood can throw at him. Yound Jamie Bell, who plays the third Bielski brother Asael, gives a stunning performance for someone so young. Many parts of this movie are extremely emotional and leave the audience grateful for having such an easy time of things. The only tarnishes on this extremely well done movie are a few dragging scenes in which the story line gets bogged down with minute details.
Overall grade: A-

Sunday, January 11, 2009


This movie about the David Frost and Richard Nixon interiews is truly a masterpiece of American cinema. Richard Nixon is commonly characterized as a villian in United States. He is blamed for the biggest crime and the biggest cover-up in American History. Throughout the film Nixon is humanized and the audience sees his true character and his mortality. Frank Langella does a wonderful job of portraying the late president. His voice, body language, and personality in the movie are exactly what an average person imagines Richard Nixon to be like. The dynamic between Langella and Michael Sheen (David Frost) are amazing and all the characters are extremely well done. The cinematography only adds to this amazing film. This is an absolute must see movie that will spark the interest of everyone from the avid politician to the Joe Six-Pack.

Overall Grade: A


Monday, January 5, 2009

Seven Pounds

Here is quite a tear-jerker that will have all but a robot close to tears. Will Smith does a wonderful job of presenting a character (Ben/Tim Thomas) who both deeply disturbed and extremely generous. Rosario Dawson also presents a wonderful character (Emily Posa). Her sweetness and helplessness are taken to a believable level and it is hard not to fall in love with her. Woody Harrelson plays an extremely kind blind man (Ezra Turner) that is deeply affected by Thomas. The end of the movie is both extremely powerful and emotional. This movie is somewhat predictable, but good nonetheless. A movie for the family or for couples.

Overall grade: A-


The Spirit

DC comics has done it yet again. Frank Miller has too. The acclaimed director of Sin City and 300 tarnishes his name by putting out a movie as poorly done as this one. While watching this movie I felt as if I was on a major acid trip. Gabriel Macht (the Spirit) is over the top and presents an unbelievable character. As a whole the acting is far overdone and the script is cheesy. Sam Jackson's character (the Octapus) is too comicbook like as well as most of the rest of the movie. It was this character that was just too entirely wierd. Scarlett Johanssen is flat throughout the small part that she has and does not help the movie at all. This movie was entirely too over-the-top. There are some neat effects taht help this poor movie somewhat, but they by no means make it a worthwhile film.

Overall grade: D+


Critic Flubs

Here we go. We all know that there are hundreds of movie blogs and movie review websites, but this one isn't designed to analyze every actor and actress in a movie. It's designed to look at the movie as a whole and rate the movie based on entertainment and overall quality. Posts will come every week on Sunday evening after the weekly movie. I will try to include many different genres of movies. Let's get started.